Dungeons & Dragons has true power. There is something ineffable, unspeakable, elusive about this power. But it’s there. When we sit down to play we’re transported to different worlds. We dive into stories where we’re confronted with fears and joys, deep connections and fiery rivalries. I catch glimpses of this power every time I play, but it was made painfully clear in an article titled, “When Wizards and Orcs Came to Death Row” by Keri Blakinger.
Blakinger reports on prisoners who spent years on death row, waiting for their execution. While in some of the darkest prisons in the USA, the men, including Tony Ford and Billy Wardlow, played D&D. Through the game they escaped the harrowing misery of death row and delved into fantastic worlds and gripping stories. Through their characters they imagined a freedom that was no longer theirs-and likely would never be theirs again.
What we’re doing when we’re playing D&D is important. It’s a game but it can also be much more. Roleplaying games can bring light into even the darkest of places.
Read the article here: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2023/08/31/dungeons-and-dragons-texas-death-row-tdcj