Running effective D&D one-shots can feel daunting – we DMs must deliver a complete adventure within a tight timeframe. With only three hours to play, clarity and structure are essential. And that’s where the following one-shot outlines come in. In my experience, in three hours we can realistically run three distinct scenes. Plus a mini session zero for character introductions, safety discussions, and setting expectations.
Below, I’ve prepared evocative outlines for ten one-shot adventures set in and around Daggerford, ready to run with minimal prep. For deeper lore and context, stay tuned for our upcoming Guide to Daggerford.
Tips for One-Shots
The following outlines are built on a few core principles of preparing and running one-shot adventures. I have previously outlined these here: How to Prepare and Run a One-Shot. Here’s the most important principles to help you flesh out the outlines below, and run effective one-shot sessions:
- Use Three Scenes: Plan for a clear beginning, middle, and climax. Start strong, engage players with exploration and investigation, then finish with a memorable final conflict.
- Maintain Focus: Every scene should drive toward your climactic moment, keeping the narrative tight and purposeful.
Running the Game:
- Manage Pacing: Keep the session moving, monitor the clock, and ensure enough time for the finale. Trim scenes as needed and always advance the story, even when rolls fail (fail forward).
- Encourage Boldness: Embrace outrageous storytelling; allow players to pursue dramatic goals like taming dragons or confronting gods. Lean into high-risk situations, heroic sacrifices, and surprising twists—there’s no need to worry about future consequences.
- Offer Big Rewards: Don’t hesitate to provide exceptional, memorable rewards—even legendary items—to make the adventure exciting.
With these principles in mind, here are ten outlines for one-shot adventures.
1. Capture the Undead Spirit
Patron: A fervent priest of Amaunator named Lucy Brightmist urgently needs an undead spirit captured for a sacred sun ritual. She pays the characters to capture one in a holy amulet. The characters must weaken but not kill the spirit and then activate the amulet to capture the spirit.
One of the PCs knows of the grave of Lady Melira of Starra hidden in the Lizard Marsh.
- Scene 1, Lizard Marsh Ambush: The adventure begins as the characters are trekking through the foggy Lizard Marsh. Suddenly, fierce lizardfolk claim the characters trespass their holy grounds (Lizardfolk, Giant Lizard).
- Scene 2: Non-combat encounter including ability checks to survive through mist, quicksand, and ancient, cursed marsh ruins. How will the PCs reach the forgotten grave of the Lady Melira?
- Climax: Lady Melira arises from her grave, and attacks furiously in her undead form (Specter, Banshee, Wraith). When the characters are ready to bind the Melira’s spirit they are interrupted by a frantic lizardfolk shaman. As it turns out, these lizardfolk are determined to protect their deity – Melira’s angry spirit (Lizardfolk Shaman).
2. Sword Coast Bank Heist
Patron: Lady Belinda Anteos, a sophisticated noble from Waterdeep, urgently enlists adventurers to secretly thwart a heist. The target is her bank, the Sword Coast Traders’ Bank in Daggerford. And Lady Anteos wants protection without alarming the local militia, to preserve the bank’s esteemed reputation.
- Scene 1, Quiet Negotiations: Lady Anteos discreetly briefs the party in her heavily fortified office above the bank’s vault. Tense planning ensues, including discussions of magical protections, and guard rotations. And a wary interview with Lady Anteos’s suspicious head of security, a battle-scarred veteran named Cedric Varwell.
- Scene 2, Midnight Attack: Chaos erupts when thieves employ sleep-gas grenades to incapacitate guards, infiltrating under cover of darkness. The characters must adapt quickly, neutralizing the gas and defending the bank from waves of well-coordinated intruders (Bandits, Thugs).
- Climax, Vault Showdown: The cunning burglar leader, adept at illusion and stealth, breaches the vault defenses. The characters are forced into a tense confrontation (Spy).
3. Giants Assault Ducal Castle
Patron: Ducal Seneschal Tarn Urmbrusk desperately seeks help against stone giants. These emissaries of the dreaded Thane Kayalithica begin dismantling ancient castle walls. The giants are driven by visions of the magical qualities of these ancient stones.
- Scene 1, Siege Begins: Sudden, thunderous impacts herald giants hurling massive boulders. Characters defend amidst chaos, coordinating militia and rescuing citizens trapped under debris (Stone Giant).
- Scene 2, Urgent Counterattack: Reinforce castle defenses or pursue the giants back to their rocky foothills camp, confronting additional threats hidden among crumbling ruins (Ogres).
- Climax, Legacy of the Kingdom: The stone giant leader personally assaults the castle gates, demanding the ancient relics while invoking ancestral claims. Characters must fight or negotiate to preserve Daggerford’s historical legacy (Stone Giants, Basilisks).
4. Hunt the Terrorizing Hill Giant
Patron: Desperate farmers from north of Daggerford, whose lands are ravaged by an aggressive hill giant from the Forlorn Hills, implore adventurers for immediate aid.
- Scene 1, Dire Chase: Characters pursue the giant across ravaged farmland, only to be ambushed by dire wolves fiercely loyal to the giant, protecting their monstrous ally’s escape (Wolves, Dire Wolves).
- Scene 2, Grisly Discovery: Navigate through the giant’s lair, a gruesome maze filled with deadly traps and evidence of brutal attacks on local settlements.
- Climax, Furious Showdown: Face a desperate battle against the enraged giant amid grisly trophies in his cavernous lair, determined to eliminate the threat once and for all (Hill Giant).
5. Rescue Vistani Child from Werewolves
Patron: Elderly Vistani leader Stanimir begs for aid to rescue a child kidnapped by a rogue werewolf pack hiding in the eerie shadows of the Misty Forest.
- Scene 1, Haunted Pursuit: Track carefully through dark, howling forests, fighting or evading packs of wolves acting as sentinels (Wolves, Dire Wolves).
- Scene 2, Questionable Alliance: Encounter a shunned werewolf outcast who offers crucial guidance and safe passage—at a morally troubling cost (Commoner, Werewolf).
- Climax, Wolfpack Den: Engage in stealth or a frontal assault on the werewolf den, navigating frantic chaos to rescue the child amid ferocious combat with the pack (Werewolves).
6. Stop Lizardfolk Swamp Ritual
Patron: Daggerford’s panicked Council of Guilds warns of an impending catastrophe caused by a dangerous lizardfolk ritual emanating from deep within the Lizard Marsh.
- Scene 1, Earthbound Crisis: Sudden quakes tear through Daggerford’s streets as small earth elementals emerge, attacking citizens. Characters rush to rescue survivors (Mud Mephits).
- Scene 2, Dangerous Waters: Navigate hostile magical wards and aquatic guardians to breach a lizardfolk-occupied island stronghold in the Delimbiyr River (Crocodiles, Giant Crocodile).
- Climax, Ritual Interruption: Solve a tense puzzle-combat encounter, disrupting chanting lizardfolk shamans before the ritual reaches completion, averting a disastrous magical backlash (Lizardfolk, Lizardfolk Shaman).
7. Cleanse the Infested Tannery
Patron: The tannery owner, Hilberryl Finewiser, desperately calls for aid as monstrous vermin and oozes spill forth, infecting Daggerford’s plumbing and streets.
- Scene 1, Urban Chaos: Massive, diseased vermin burst from the sewers into local taverns and homes, requiring swift response and crowd control (Giant Rats).
- Scene 2, Dark Descent: Enter narrow, slime-infested tunnels beneath the tannery, battling acidic oozes and grotesque creatures emerging from darkness (Ochre Jelly).
- Climax, Heart of Filth: Confront the monstrous source of the infestation—a bloated otyugh nesting beneath the tannery, spawning corruption and terror (Otyugh).
8. Smuggle Relics to Waterdeep
Patron: A secretive Zhentarim agent in Daggerford seeks discreet escorts for valuable relics to Waterdeep after the arrest of their initial courier.
- Scene 1, Suspicious Eyes: On the Trade Way, characters evade tense, probing inspections by Lords’ Alliance guards, risking exposure. The Lords’ Alliance patrol is secretly bribed by the Knights of Shield, rivals of the Zhentarim (Guards, Veteran).
- Scene 2, Ambushed on the Road: Ambush by rival Knights of the Shield agents (Bandits, Thugs, Scouts).
- Climax, Final Stand: Defend the caravan from a climactic attack by a rival faction leader determined to seize the relics by force (Veteran or Gladiator).
9. Race for Chauntea’s Relic
Patron: A passionate priest of Chauntea seeks adventurers to recover a sacred relic, competing directly against the rival adventuring party, the “Fine Fellows of Daggerford.”
- Scene 1, Rival Research: Intense skill challenge against rivals to uncover relic’s secret hiding place, requiring cunning investigation in the temple archives.
- Scene 2, Wilderness Trials: Venture deep into the High Forest, overcoming territorial beasts protecting their domain (Owlbear).
- Climax, Bitter Rivalry: Confront ruthless “Fine Fellows,” willing to use deception and force to claim glory, ensuring the relic reaches worthy hands (Acolyte, Bandit, Thug, Scout).
10. Hunt Escaped Prisoner in the Marsh
Patron: Ducal Captain Elsbeth Trannyth urgently dispatches adventurers into the treacherous Lizard Marsh to recapture a traitorous prisoner. The prisoner betrayed the PCs during the Second Dragonspear War. He was one of their own but murdered their squad leader.
- Scene 1, Living Marsh: Navigate sinister, hostile vegetation and natural ambushes threatening to consume unwary travelers (Vine Blight).
- Scene 2, Deadly Pursuit: The chase becomes perilous as the traitor’s loyal allies stage a lethal ambush (Bandits, Thugs).
- Climax, Dramatic Capture: Engage the charismatic, cunning traitor in a final showdown deep within marsh ruins, striving to secure justice or uncover hidden truths (Spy or Veteran).
Character Creation for One-Shots
One-shot outlines like these are an excellent way to quickly prepare a unique single-session adventure (Or to run a session when we don’t have time to prepare.) Here’s a few tips for creating characters for one-shots. If you want a deeper dive into these tips, check out this article: How to Prepare and Run a One-Shot.
Here’s some of the most important tips for character creation:
- Brief Session Zero: Take a few minutes beforehand to establish character motivations and ensure player comfort.
- Pregenerated Characters: Save time by offering pregenerated characters while allowing players personal touches like custom names, appearance, or background. Encourage reskinning to fit player creativity.
- Unified Motivation: Provide characters with a shared goal to quickly align the party, but let players add unique personal reasons, enhancing roleplay.
The Power of One-Shots
Running a one-shot successfully is all about embracing simplicity, clarity, and bold storytelling. With structured planning, concise scenes, and motivated characters, we DMs can deliver thrilling adventures in just a single session. These ten one-shot outlines set in Daggerford provide a perfect blend of excitement, intrigue, and memorable climaxes. Remember, one-shots grant freedom to take risks, make big moves, and offer legendary rewards. Dive in, trust your players, and enjoy the spontaneous magic of short-form D&D.